Descriptions Flowers & Shit Midnight Edition: A Sassy, Sweary, And Terribly Inappropriate coloring book for adults (Sweary coloring books) (Volume 4) Free Ebook
BUY NOW PRICE WILL GO UP! THIS IS THE MIDNIGHT/BLACKOUT VERSION OF FLOWERS AND SHIT. Use neon or bright colors to make these pages GLOW! But regular colored pencils, Crayons, Gel pens work great with this too! Perfect for parents who really need some relaxation and distressing time. Swear words coloring book for adults Best seller This swear work adult coloring book is perfect for Men and women! (This is a midnight edition, Or a black edition. ) Want some inappropriate, Sassy, Sweary glowing shit? This book is a stress reliever with fancy glowing sweary words This book will deliver lots of swear words and sas ! 28 glowing Pages to color
6 Bonus glowing Mandalas
8.5 x 11 Coloring book *Full sized* 36 Total coloring pages! Some with glowing swear words
Single sided 60lbs Paper suitable for most mediums! Including markers and gel pens Perfect for all the glowing swears Pages do not go to the edges of the page making it easier to color them. Pages avoid Gutter area.For optimal glowing Swearyness for your Colouring Portrait style pages What is included in the book? Alcohol references, Insults, and swears, Swear, Swear, dirty and sassy sayings Along with flowers of course! With a black background, Someone turned the lights out on this coloring book! It glows. Because of the midnight black background. What are the sayings included in this glowing Sweary edition of Flowers and shit? McNasty Do not ever doubt my ability to find shit out. Netflix and Chill? I look pretty and play dirty! LameAss Don't marry rich, Be rich Love Fucking Hurts Strong women Get shit done! I got heels higher than your standards Sometimes Life is too fucking complicated! If someone hates you for no reason, Give that motherfucker a reason Anus Sexy Bitch Spank me Fucking fancy I own you You're mine motherfucker I'm not a princess, I don't need saving. I'm a queen and I got this shit handled. Flowers & Shit I tried to say no to the vodka, But it's 40% stronger than me. Badassy I can't adult today Blow jobs are flowers for men! You are an asshole Just let Karma take care of that bitch for you I'm allergic to bullshit and negativity. Classy, Sassy and a bit Smart assy, Swearing is fun! Get this book and Enjoy these Swear words and funny sas words Adult swear word coloring book swear word coloring book for adults sweary words swear word color book Stress Relieving fancy sweary words Coloring flowers for adults .
Flowers & Shit Midnight Edition: A Sassy, Sweary, And Terribly Inappropriate coloring book for adults (Sweary coloring books) (Volume 4) complete books online for free. Reading
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